
Atlassian Intelligence is built on trust


Powered by our trusted platform, Atlassian Intelligence keeps your data secure and private.


Stay in control of your data and get visibility into how each feature works.


Accelerate critical business workflows with ease across your entire organization.

Atlassian Intelligence brings the power and magic of AI into Atlassian’s Cloud products. Built with our Responsible Technology Principles in mind, Atlassian Intelligence handles your data responsibly.

Frequently asked questions

How do Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo work? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo combine open-source, self-hosted models, and 3rd party hosted models to deliver a personalized artificial intelligence experience tailored to you, your teams, and your workflows.

These LLM providers will not store customer inputs and outputs nor will they use this data to train their services. This approach prioritizes the privacy of your data throughout the entire process.

To learn more about the technology that underpins Atlassian Intelligence visit this page

How should I use Atlassian Intelligence? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Some of the models used as part of our AI-powered features generate responses based on your inputs and are probabilistic in nature. This means that their responses are generated by predicting the most probable next word or text, based on the data that they have been trained on.

Because of this approach, these models can sometimes behave in ways that are inaccurate, incomplete, or unreliable. For example, the responses that you receive could not accurately reflect the content they are based on, or generate content that sounds reasonable but is incomplete and should not be relied on.

We encourage you to think about the situations when you use these features — for example, not in cases where you need current and accurate information about people, places, and facts — and review the quality of the responses you receive before sharing them with others.

How do Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo use customer data? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo process your user’s inputs to provide the outputs your user has requested. We may also process organizational data from within your site that the user has permission to view and include that data with the user inputs so that LLMs can provide more accurate, relevant, and contextual responses.

The LLM providers we use do not use your inputs and outputs to improve their services. Neither OpenAI nor any other LLM provider retains your inputs and outputs.

In addition to the restrictive policies we have put in place for our LLM providers, we also limit the use and access of customer data within our platform. Customer inputs and outputs are used only to serve and improve individual customer experiences. They are not used for model training across customers.

Atlassian may store your inputs and outputs for a limited period of time to reduce latency, such as when displaying a page summary, or when required to provide a feature, such as displaying a search history. To learn more about how each feature uses customer data, please visit our transparency page.

If you would like to be notified of any material changes to this policy, please subscribe here.

Which LLMs are being used? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

We use a diverse range of open-source, self-hosted LLMs, from Meta, Mixtral, and Phi-3, alongside third-party hosted LLMs like OpenAI, Anthropic, and Google, to deliver the best outcomes for customers. Our features use dynamic routing to select the appropriate mix of models that can deliver the best experience and accuracy for each scenario.

The LLM providers we use do not retain your inputs and outputs, or use them to improve their services.

Do any of the LLM providers store customer data? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

No, none of our LLM providers store the data you submit or the responses you receive.

Does Atlassian send customer data to any LLM platform to train its services? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

The data you submit and the responses you receive via Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo are not used to fine-tune or improve any LLM models or services. For third-party hosted models, each data request is sent to the external provider individually over an SSL encrypted service, to process and send back to Atlassian.

Can we limit which LLM providers are being used? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo leverage dynamic routing between models, and do not support provider selection.

Are you using my inputs and outputs to train Atlassian products and services? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo use only data about how you interact with our features, such as the people you work with and the size and type of attachments, and feedback you provide. They does not use your inputs or outputs.

Do Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo use my data to serve other customers? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

The data you submit and the responses you receive are used only to serve your experience. They are not used to train models across customers or shared between customers.

Is any data transferred outside our current site? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Data is transferred outside of the current site for Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo to providers like OpenAI in order to generate a response. Even though the data is transferred, it follows existing Atlassian security practices. For Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo, each data request is sent to OpenAI individually, over an SSL- encrypted service, to process and send back to Atlassian.

Please refer to our list of data sub-processors for all external LLM providers here.

Can I turn off Atlassian Intelligence if my organization is not ready to use it? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Yes. If you are an admin, you can log into Atlassian Administration and remove Atlassian Intelligence at the individual product level. Once deactivated, you will see a confirmation flag in your instance. For more details please review our documentation or contact support directly.

Who can access my data in Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo if we enable the feature? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo respect all of your existing permissions. In fact, two users may receive different results based on the content they have access to.

The data a user has access to is not limited to the product they’re working on. Due to the connected nature of our products, as long as a user has access to a Jira issue or Confluence page, information can be pulled from across those experiences to inform a response (or output).

This policy extends to any third party connector you have in Rovo. All permissions set in our platform as well as in your third party connector source will be respected as long as they are set accordingly.

How are the Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo capabilities ensuring my data is protected? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

In addition to the restrictive policies we have in place with our LLM providers, these features continue to follow our existing security practices we have for each product. We are currently in the process of getting Soc2 and ISO27001 compliance to validate our approach and should have that by the end of 2024.

To get a deeper look at how our LLM providers secure their platforms, please visit our subprocessor page.

Do Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo respect data residency? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Not at this time. If you have data residency turned on, all of your in-scope product data will remain stored in the region you’ve selected. However, Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo data may be stored outside of that region, specifically in the US in order to appropriately deliver their services.

Do Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo impact my compliance with GDPR? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

We are committed to helping our customers stay compliant with GDPR and their local requirements.  As we do today for all of our products, we will process and transmit data for Atlassian Intelligence in accordance with our Privacy Policy, Data Processing Addendum, and GDPR commitment.

Are Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo SOC 2 and ISO compliant? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Although many of the systems and services used by Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo hold these certifications and adhere to the same internal policies and standards, these features itself have not completed external assessment for SOC 2 or ISO certification. We aim to have these features added to our standard audit certification reporting cycle before the end of the year.

Are Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo HIPAA compliant? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

No, at this time Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo are not HIPAA compliant and our Business Associate Agreement (BAA) does not cover this feature. If you are required to comply with HIPAA, we recommend that you do not turn these features on until we have expanded our coverage to include it.

Can I limit the data or restrict the data that is shared with Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

We currently only offer opt-out controls at the product level. We plan to offer more granular controls to customers in the coming months and will update this page once controls are available.

Do Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo respect existing permissions? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo honor all existing permissions within each feature. Users will not be able to create or generate content based on resources they do not have access to.

Ex. #1. You would not see issues/projects that you do not have access to if you do a natural language search to JQL or you would not get Confluence pages sourced for an answer to a question if you did not have access to those pages.

Ex. #2. if a Confluence user executes a smart search, the results shown will take into account the pages and spaces the user has permission to view, and ignores restricted pages and spaces.

Where can I learn more about Atlassian Intelligence? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Visit our guide on Atlassian Intelligence to learn how teams can accelerate work, increase efficiency, and provide value faster.