Atlassian quarterly update for software teams - October 2023

Join us for an in-depth quarterly roadmap update to learn about new features we’ve shipped for software teams and what’s coming next. We’ll also show two in-depth product demos for Compass and our brand new Figma integration.

We’ve got a lot to share! Join us for an in-depth quarterly roadmap update to learn about what’s new for software teams, hear about what’s coming, and watch two incredible product demos for our brand new developer experience product, Compass, and a revamped Figma integration that’ll blow you away!


  • Keep up to date with what’s new and what’s coming for software teams
  • Watch hands-on demos of Compass and our new Figma and Jira integration
  • Ask your questions during a live Q&A with our product and marketing leaders


Justine Davis, Atlassian Agile & DevOps

VP of Marketing

Justine is Head of Marketing for Atlassian’s Agile and DevOps suite of products. With over 7 years experience working with DevOps teams and tools, Justine is passionate about solving needs for customers. Outside of work Justine is a mom, avid reader, and loves to close the move goal rings in sunny Scottsdale, AZ on her Apple Watch.

Andrew Boyagi

Head of DevOps Evangelism, Atlassian

Andrew is Head of DevOps Evangelism at Atlassian with more than 20 years of experience in software delivery and service management in enterprise organizations. He provides a practical perspective on how teams and organizations can maximize the benefits of DevOps based on real-life experience.

Taylor Pechacek

Head of Product, Compass

Taylor has helped software teams become more productive, creative, and collaborative through his work across a number of products over the past 5 years at Atlassian. Before that he led product teams with a mission to help improve people’s health and well-being through software.

Andrea Ho

Senior Product Manager, Open Toolchain

Andrea is a senior product manager on our Jira software team focusing on helping multidisciplinary software teams collaborate better in Jira. With a background in design, she cares deeply about improving the experience of design, product and development collaboration through best practice and workflows.